The publisher Wiley has lots of useful resources for researchers, educators, and professionals, including their ‘top 10 survival tips’ for first-time conference attendees. Below is an edited excerpt from their website, printed with permission from Wiley.
Before the conference
1. Plan ahead. Think about which talks, events, or sessions you’d like to attend and make sure you allow time for walking between rooms, coffee breaks, and lunch, as well as exploring the exhibition area.
2. Follow and use the conference hashtag. This is a great way to find out who else will be attending the conference, as well as tips for any must-see presentations.
3. Have your elevator pitch ready and practice before you go. Conferences are a fantastic opportunity to network and talk about your research and why it’s important.
4. Make sure you book your travel and accommodation in good time. Hotels can get booked up quickly with conference attendees.
During the conference
5. Don’t try and do everything. It’s usually impossible to cram in everything you want to see and do.
6. Don’t just stick to the larger events. Smaller talks and workshops are often well worth attending and tend to be less formal, with more opportunities to join in the discussion and ask questions.
7. Aim to meet a few new people each day. Attend the social events and make yourself available to talk. You never know where a connection may lead.
8. Take some time for yourself. Conferences can be overwhelming, so take some time out, even if it’s just for half an hour. Read a book, go for a walk, explore the local area.
9. Wear comfortable shoes.
After the conference
10. Follow-up on any useful connections you made during the conference. Send them a quick email, or at the very least, add them on LinkedIn.
Content originally published by Wiley, and edited for the Society for the Study of Addiction website by Natalie Davies.
Wiley publishes Addiction, which is one of two journals owned by the Society for the Study of Addiction
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