Moskalewicz J. (1981): Alcohol: Commodity and Symbol in Polish Society, in: Single E., Morgan P., Lint J. (eds) Alcohol, Society and the State 2: The Social History of Control Policy in Seven Countries, Addiction Research Foundation, Toronto, pp. 9-31
This paper initiated my interest in the symbolic meanings of alcohol not only in culture but also in social life in general. The chapter was written within the WHO-sponsored project International Study on Alcohol Control Experiences (ISACE) which also made me aware of the benefits of comparative perspectives. The ISACE study was completed in six areas : California, Ireland, the Netherlands, Ontario, Poland, Switzerland and was co-ordinated by Klaus Mäkelä.
Bielewicz A., Moskalewicz J. (1982): Temporary Prohibition: the Gdańsk experience. August 1980, Contemporary Drug Problems, Fall, pp. 367-381.
Written in co-authorship with Antoni Bielewicz this article extends the symbolic dimension of alcohol to political life showing how important the alcohol question was in the rise of the independent trade union movement Solidarity in Poland. It also discusses the utility of alcohol prohibition in preventing violent solutions to social conflicts
Moskalewicz J., Tigerstedt Ch. (eds.) (1998): Public Opinion on Social Problems. A Survey around the Baltic Sea, NAD, Helsinki. In this volume: J. Moskalewicz, Introduction to the Baltica Survey, pp. 5-14; J. Moskalewicz, G. Świątkiewicz, Transitions on the Map of Social Problems, pp. 15-42; J. Moskalewicz, Summary, pp. 209-214.
The book edited jointly by Christopher Tigerstedt and myself drafts a map of social problems in six societies around the Baltic Sea. The participating countries included Poland. Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia. the. St. Petersburg region which was undergoing painful transitions towards a market economy as well as Finland and Sweden which were also suffering from their transition away from the Nordic welfare state. Alcohol problems seemed to be high on the list of social problems in contrast to issues such as poverty and unemployment, in particular on the southern shores of the Baltic Sea. In the latter societies a tiny minority saw the bright side of the changes
Moskalewicz J., Wojtyniak B., Rabczenko D. (2000): Alcohol as a cause of mortality in societies undergoing rapid transition to market economy. in: Cornia, G. A. and Panicia, R. (eds.) The Mortality Crisis in Transitional Economies. UNU Wider, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 83-104.
“Alcohol kills slowly” – a slogan used in anti-alcohol propaganda was mocked with the graffiti “I am not in a hurry” in the late 1970s. The high rates of mortality which affected most of the countries in Europe which emerged out of the dissolution of the Soviet Union showed that alcohol may kill quickly. The chapter discussed the role of alcohol in the mortality crisis in transitional economies.
Moskalewicz J., Simpura J. (2000): Alcohol and alcohol policy in eastern European transitions, Journal of Substance Use, vol. 5, no 1, pp. 30-38.
In addition to the numerous benefits of transition towards multi-party systems and market economies, the 1990s witnessed the dismantling of alcohol control policies in most countries in eastern Europe. In result, alcohol consumption, including unrecorded supply, increased, followed by the rise of associated problems such as morbidity and mortality as well as increased crime rates.
Moskalewicz J., Simpura J. (2000): The supply of alcoholic beverages in transitional conditions: the case of Central and Eastern Europe, Addiction 95, suppl. 4, pp. 505-522.
This paper follows attempts to re-regulate the alcohol supply in post transition economies in response to diminishing alcohol revenues and the growing cost of ameliorating the high level of alcohol problems.
Moskalewicz J. (2001): Alcohol policy as a public issue. Reconsidering an old concept and its relevance for mental health, Epidemiologia e Psychiatria Sociale, vol 10, no 2, pp. 71-76.
Scientific definitions of alcohol and related problems as well as alcohol policies changed over time in response to more general social, cultural and economic shifts. They attract public interest and affect the political agenda if they fit with the dominant ideological climate and do not contradict powerful political and economic interests. Public policies aiming at the reduction of alcohol consumption are feasible and constitute the most cost-efficient way to reduce mental health problems in the population.
Świątkiewicz G, Moskalewicz J. (2003): Poland. In: Blocker J.S. Jr., Fahey D.M., Tyrrell I.R. (eds) Alcohol and Temperance in Modern History. An International Encyclopedia. Vol. II: M-Z. ABC Clio, Santa Barbara, Denver, Oxford, pp.482-486.
This encyclopaedic entry provides on five pages a concise history of Polish drinking and temperance since medieval ages until the 1990s transitions.
Wojtyniak B., Moskalewicz J., Stokwiszewski J., Rabczenko D. (2005): Gender-specific Mortality Associated with Alcohol Consumption in Poland in Transition. Addiction, 100, pp. 1779-1789.
The Polish experience shows that the impact of rapid political and economic transitions on alcohol consumption and associated mortality is highly differentiated and specific to gender and social class. E.g. the level of education in women may affect alcohol-related mortality more strongly than overall alcohol intake, particularly with regard to the acute consequences of drinking.
Moskalewicz J., Świątkiewicz G., Cherpitel Ch. J., Ye Y., (2006): Results of Two Emergency Room Studies. European Addiction Research, 12, pp. 169-175.
The study was run in two emergency rooms located in two different sites in Poland; a traditional mining region and the capital city. Risk of injury tended to decline with age and to grow sharply above a high threshold in annual alcohol consumption. Against expectations cultural factors such as drinking patterns had no impact whatsoever when age and consumption levels were controlled for.
Moskalewicz J., Allaste A., Demetrovics Z., Klempova D., Sieroslawski J., with Csemy L. et all (2008): Enlargement 2005: cannabis in the new EU Member States. [in:] Sznitman S. R., Olsson B., Room R. (eds.) A cannabis reader: global issues and local experiences. Perspectives on cannabis controversies, treatment and regulation in Europe. Monographs series 8, vol. 1, European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, Lisbon, pp.63-93.
The paper was written in co-operation with 16 authors, including colleagues from ten countries which had joined the EU in 2004. Enlargement reinforced the growth of cannabis consumption. In most of the countries consumption levels were associated with thepurchasing power of the general population. However, few notable outliers were identified due to specificities of cultures and drug policies .
Eisenbach-Stangl , Moskalewicz J., Thom B. (eds) (2009): Two worlds of drug consumption in late modern societies. European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research, Ashgate, Vienna.
The book on two worlds of drug consumption arises from a project completed in six European cities ranging from London and Amsterdam in the West, Turin in the South to Prague, Vienna and Warsaw in the eastern part of Europe. As we wrote in the policy brief “A deep gap in economic and social standing between socially integrated drug consumers and their less lucky (marginalised) counterparts mirrors an ongoing drama of post-modern society, in which the pleasures of increasingly sophisticated consumption overshadow the suffering from uncertainty and fear of social exclusion (Bauman, 1992)”.
Moskalewicz J., Sierosławski J. (2010): Drinking population surveys – guidance document for standardized approach. Final report prepared for the project Standardizing Measurement of Alcohol-Related Trouble – SMART. Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology, Warsaw.
This booklet proposes a new survey instrument called SMART – Standardised Measurement of Alcohol-Related Troubles which was pilot-tested in ten EU countries representing different drinking cultures and alcohol policy traditions. Its aim was to increase interest in comparative alcohol surveys across the EU countries and to provide a standardised instrument that serves this purpose.
Moskalewicz J., Kiejna A., Wojtyniak B. (2012): Kondycja psychiczna mieszkańców Polski: raport z badań “Epidemiologia zaburzeń psychiatrycznych i dostęp do psychiatrycznej opieki zdrowotnej – EZOP Polska” (Mental health of the Polish society: research report from the study “Epidemiology of mental disorders and access to treatment – EZOP Poland), Instytut Psychiatrii i Neurologii, Warszawa.
Results of the first ever nationwide survey on the prevalence of mental disorders among the working-age population in Poland are described in detail, including methodological details and the survey instrument – the WHO-CIDI. Implications for public health policies are also discussed.
Moskalewicz J., Welbel M. (2013): Walking Through Mud; History of the Polish Methadone Maintenance Treatment From Its Stakeholders’ Perspective. Substance Use & Misuse. Vol. 48, nr 11, pp. 977-996.
The first methadone maintenance treatment programme (MMT) in Poland was launched at the beginning of the 1990s. Ten years later a large treatment gap still persisted and waiting times could be as long as three years. Qualitative interviews with major stakeholders shed light on factors that hindered the smooth introduction of MMT.
Moskalewicz, Wieczorek Ł., Karlsson T., Österberg E. (2013): Social support for alcohol policy: literature review. Drug. Educ. Prev. Polic. vol.20, nr 5, pp. 361-374.
Review of literature published in Europe and North America showed that supporters of restrictive alcohol policies still represent a large proportion in contemporary societies and in combination with those satisfied with existing levels of control – constitute large majority. Control measures targeting young people do enjoy more support which may divert attention from strategies aimed at the general adult population.
Moskalewicz, Klingemann J. (2015): Addictive substances and behaviors and social justice. In: The impact of addictive substances and behaviors on individual and societal well-being / ed. by Peter Anderson, Jürgen Rehm and Robin Room: Oxford University Press.
The dilemma of whether social justice is a privilege for all or should be limited to those who deserve it,is relevant in the field of addictive substances. A focus on lower class drunkenness often served to underscore the moral superiority of ruling elites and to discredit demands for social justice. The stigmatisation of individuals suffering from substance-specific disorders and paternalistic treatment constitute another dimension of social injustice.
Moskalewicz J., Österberg E. (red) (2016): Changes in alcohol affordability and availability: Twenty years of transitions in Eastern Europe. Helsinki: National Institute for Health and Welfare.
Transitions across Eastern Europe could be seen as an unique laboratory for studying the interplay between social change, alcohol policy and its impact on consumption levels and associated harm. The book co-edited by Esa Österberg and myself includes contributions of 20 authors who report recent developments in alcohol control in 10 countries.
Moskalewicz J, Wieczorek Ł (2017): Legal economics: the role of the alcohol industry, in: The Sage handbook of drug and alcohol studies / ed. by Torsten Kolind, Geoffrey Hunt, Betsy Thom. Los Angeles : Sage, cop, pp. 661-678
The chapter co-authored with Łukasz Wieczorek concludes: “All historical and contemporary evidence clearly documents that market forces alone do not balance overall profits and losses of alcohol supply … Therefore, the State alongside civic society has legitimate right, as well as evidence-based measures, to intervene to reduce the social and economic costs of alcohol consumption” (674)
Klingemann, J, Welbel, |M, , Priebe, S, Giacco, D, Matanov, A, Lorant, V, Bourmorck, D, Soltmann, B, Pfeiffer, S, Miglietta, E, Ruggeri, M, Moskalewicz, J, (2019), Personal continuity versus specialisation of care approaches in mental healthcare: experiences of patients and clinicians – results of the qualitative study in five European countries, Psychiatry Psychiatr. Epidemiol., 55(2):205-216
The qualitative study enriched the results of the quantitative research carried out in five EU countries .This found that personal continuity of treatment across hospital and out-patient service or its absence had no impact on primary clinical outcomes and therefore neither approach should prevail. A number of qualitative interviews with patients and clinicians suggested that both approaches should co-exist to satisfy the varying needs and preferences of clients.
Moskalewicz J.,Herczyńska G., Prot-Klinger K. (2020) Has the spirit of Basaglia affected Polish psychiatry? In: Burns T., Foot J. (eds) Basaglia’s international legacy: from asylum to community. Oxford University Press. Oxford, UK, Newy York, NY.
Attempts to trace the potential impact of Basaglia‘s reforms on Polish psychiatry brought better understanding of the slow pace with which the reforms have progressed in Poland. The Italian model served as a negative reference point to justify the power of large hospitals. The chapter confirms Roger’s theory of the diffusion of innovation- that adoption of innovation does not depend solely on technical content and expected benefits, but on informal networks and communication which may either reinforce or resist them.