The latest qualitative methods journal club (QMJC) is now available online. The QMJC involves researchers meeting to discuss a good quality qualitative research paper. Following the meeting, a copy of the paper and a summary of the discussion is made available on the SSA website. This SSA-funded initiative is aimed at increasing knowledge of qualitative research practice. The Journal Club is overseen by Professor Jo Neale from King’s College London, and is hosted by different international academic institutions on a rolling basis.
The February 2021 meeting focused on the article ‘Common-sense’ research: Senses, emotions and embodiment in researching stag tourism in Eastern Europe. The summary is available here along with summaries from all previous QMJCs.
Article: Thurnell-Read, Thomas. ‘Common-sense’ research: Senses, emotions and embodiment in researching stag tourism in Eastern Europe. Methodological Innovations Online 6, no.3 (2011a), 39-49
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