In this bonus episode of the Addictions Edited podcast to mark International Women’s Day 2022, Dr Polly Radcliffe and Dr Emma Smith discuss research exploring the best way of providing care for women who use drugs during pregnancy and their infants.
The Stepping Stones study brings together researchers from Kings College London, University of Huddersfield, University of Stirling and Homerton University Hospital Foundation Trust, and is led by Dr Polly Radcliffe of King’s College, London and Professor Helen Cheyne of the University of Stirling.
Listen to this extended interview with researchers Dr Polly Radcliffe and Dr Emma Smith, a segment of which was played in the February Addictions Edited podcast. Polly and Emma talk about:
- the creation of an expert advisory and co-production group
- reviews of clinical guidelines and existing interventions
- interviews with women who use drugs throughout their pregnancy and post-birth, and focus group and individual interviews with staff who work with women who use drugs in pregnancy
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