In a first for the SSA’s Addictions Edited podcast, Dr Rob Calder talks to the editors behind a new textbook about recovery from substance use problems. They discuss the different types of experiences and stories that went into the book and how this text consolidates and advances knowledge about recovery, plus give a behind-the-scenes look at the world of academic publishing.
Meet the guests of this bonus episode of Addictions Edited:
- Sarah Galvani is Professor of Social Research and Substance Use at Manchester Metropolitan University.
- Alastair Roy is Professor of Social Research in the School of Social Work, Care and Community, University of Central Lancashire.
- Amanda Clayson is the founder of VoiceBox Inc. and a community research partner with Manchester Metropolitan University.
Sarah, Alastair, and Amanda collaborated on a book titled “Long-term recovery from substance use: European perspectives”, which was published on 14 January 2022. This unique text centres the voices of people with substance use problems, and brings together international experts to explore different aspects of people’s experiences of long-term recovery from substance use.
Reactions to the book:
“This book will get you thinking. Drawing on research and experiences from different countries and different substances, it skillfully explores relationships, trauma and life stages presenting lived experiences of long-term recovery.” Hilda Loughran, Associate Professor of Social Work/Social Policy at University College Dublin
“A particular strength of the book is the prominence it gives to the voices of experts by experience, either because their substance use has been problematic for them or because it has affected them as family members.” Jim Orford, University of Birmingham and King’s College London
The book is now available to buy in paperback, hardback, EPUB, and Kindle formats:
Long-term recovery from substance use: European perspectives. Edited by Sarah Galvani, Alastair Roy and Amanda Clayson. Published by Policy Press (2022).
by Rob Calder and Natalie Davies
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