• QMJC August 2022: Diaries and the life-cycle of a syringe
  • QMJC July 2022: Ethnography and recovery houses
  • What impact does opioid agonist treatment have on mortality at a population level?
  • QMJC June 2022: Timelines and life-grid methods
  • Can the ‘ageing cohort theory’ account for the increase in drug-related deaths?
  • QMJC May 2022: Investigating the practice of microdosing psychedelics
  • Stigmatising language in academic manuscripts: the view from a reader and peer-reviewer
  • Quick read: How does naloxone work?
  • QMJC April 2022: ‘Key informants’ and intersectionality in mixed-methods research
  • Hepatitis C, injecting drug use, and the ‘syndemics’ framework